
Where to Meet New People in Brisbane

One of the most challenging aspects of moving to a new city is that you have to make new friends all over again. Like most urban cities, Brisbane is a busy city where everyone seems to be in a constant rush. This makes meeting new people difficult, particularly if you are an introvert. And, even if you are a naturally extroverted person, meeting new people can still prove to be difficult if you don’t know where to go to meet them.

At Bridgewater Terraces, we are surrounded by many social attractions which can make it easier for you to meet people.

If you are new to Brisbane and haven’t yet made any new friends, it can get lonely. This is why I’ve decided to share my time-tested tips for meeting new people in Brisbane – or in any other big city for that matter.



If you are in Brisbane to work, then your workplace is a really good place to meet new people. It could start with a simple ‘hi’ in the morning at first and then you could move on to a conversation. Don’t jump off the deep end by asking people intensely private stuff; you’ll only scare them away. Asking about interests and sharing your hobbies though is a great way to start. By the time you share lunch or coffee together, you can easily invite your work buddy to the pub after work. Attend after-work functions and if you’re invited, turn up for parties too.

Go to parties

I’m not suggesting you gate crash parties you are not invited to, but there are those invites that might come your way every now and then. Accept them and show up. The informal setting of a party is a great way to meet new people.


Spirituality groups

One of the most successful ways of meeting new people in Brisbane is through spiritual groups. They take hospitality seriously and will reach out to you if you are a part of the group. If you are involved in any form of spirituality, search for groups that share your beliefs and attend one of their meetings.

The internet

While you won’t meet anyone by sitting in your room and staring at your laptop, the internet is great at pointing you in the right direction. You can use sites like meetup.com to find meetups that appeal to your interests or hobbies.

There are tons of meetups in Brisbane including meetups for hikers, photography enthusiasts, motorcycle riders, WordPress users, adventure addicts, meetups for meditation, entrepreneurs, techies and so many more.

I think one of the best parts about using meetup.com is that you don’t need to feel awkward because most people there are also looking to meet new people. It’s definitely a great way to find people who already share the same interests as you.



Whether you are working or simply visiting Brisbane, volunteering is a nice way to do something for others and meet new people. Look for an opportunity to volunteer in one of the many local groups, and stick to one that interests you. The locale around Bridgewater Terrace has groups you might want to volunteer with.

Use the power of social

Social media is another wonderful way to meet new people in Brisbane. A simple Facebook search will bring up several groups that are centred around the city and these often have meetups as well. If you are feeling slightly more adventurous, you can tweet a post about a bar you plan to hang out in, and ask if anyone’s nearby. You never can tell, you might actually meet someone interesting that way.

Visit local bars

Brisbane has lots of really nice and relaxing bars where you can shoot some pool and have easy conversation. If you are staying at Bridgewater Terraces, Kangaroo Point Hotel is an ideal place to go and meet new people.

Get a New Hobby

There are almost as many hobbies as there are people and you can find something that appeals to you. Taking up a new hobby is life enriching and it’s also a great way to meet new people with whom you might have something in common.

Sign up to a gym


If you love to keep fit then you probably already know that it’s one good way to meet new people who could potentially be friends. Look for local gyms around you and sign up for one.

Get some wanderlust

Sign up for a tour or go backpacking. Surprisingly, when you are away from Brisbane with a group of other people, you might find it easier to bond and form friendships.


The best way to meet people in Brisbane could be through your workplace, going for parties, volunteering, spirituality groups, the internet, social media, visiting nice bars, getting a new hubby, signing up for a sports team or even signing up for a group tour.

Whether you’re traveling alone or moving to Brisbane for work, Bridgewater Terrace has the perfect apartment for you. We have 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom & 3 bedroom apartments and special rates for short term stays and corporate accommodation.

Get in touch with us to reserve your holiday apartment or book online today.

About Denis Goodman

Denis is the manager of Bridgewater Terraces and has a long history with accommodation and property management rights. He brings his knowledge and experiences into his writer to help holiday makers have a wonderful holiday.

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